Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Pandora Has No Soul.

I spend a lot of time listening to If you don't know, it's like an internet radio station that allows you to create your own style of station. You add a couple of bands or songs, and it tries to guess what you like.

Here's why I can say that it has no soul:

I spent four hours yesterday trying to get it to create a station for me. It failed. I kept adding songs that fit in my category, and it kept analyzing them based on the wrong details: Chord structure, rhythm, etc.

The theme was joy. All the songs I chose made me feel happy and want to dance.

Pandora couldn't get that.

1 comment:

  1. there are some web-based programs that you might find more useful. musicovery has a more intuitive way to categorize music.

    let us know if you find something interesting.
